Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Pasta and a Choo Choo

The whole reason for coming to Stone Mountain, Georgia was to visit with my niece, Michele. She has lived just north of Atlanta for many years. Opportunities to spend time with her are few and far between, so stopping here on our way back north was mandatory. We arrived a day early after an uneventful two day drive from Florida. We made plans to gather at her house on Saturday and for her to come to Stone Mountain on Sunday.

Anyone familiar with Atlanta knows that the traffic is horrific. Even on a Saturday afternoon. Google Maps got us there on time and to the right place. She has a nice brick-front home in Roswell. She's done a great job in updating and decorating the place. The primary activity for Saturday was to make pasta. Michele is half Italian and an outstanding cook. She and Andy gave us the obligatory tour of the house and we settled into the kitchen. When we arrived, the pasta machine was ready along with awaiting piles of flour and eggs. We had a lot of fun making ravioli and fettuccine. She went out of her way to accommodate us with a marinara for me and an alfredo for Pam. And we topped it off with Pam's favorite of brownies with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge for dessert. 

On Sunday, Michele came with her son, Dominic. After a quick tour of our motor home, we went over to Stone Mountain Park. Unfortunately, our primary objective of taking the tram ride to the top of the dome was not possible. The tram was closed down due to high winds. So we went over to the village. After a bite eat, we waited for our turn on the scenic railroad. The 30 minute ride takes you around the base of the dome, about five miles. The ride ends shortly after you go by the carving in the dome. There are other attractions like mini golf, a theater, etc but Pam's back was acting up so we called it a day. Overall we enjoyed our time with Michele and Dominic.

We will be here a few more days before continuing our trek north. We will try again to take the tram to the top of the dome. And we will spend another half day with Michele before we leave. Unfortunately for her, she needs work for a living.

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