Stone Mountain is an interesting place. It is a huge outcropping of rock that extends about 750 feet above the surrounding landscape and is the largest granite dome east of the Mississippi River. The outcropping covers a little more than 580 acres or just under one square mile. Here is an old picture I found showing the outcropping.
We have finally left Silver Springs, FL and are on the road again. We are currently staying at the campground in Stone Mountain State Park in Georgia. It is beautiful here. We have a nice site covered in trees. I will do a review of the park after we leave. But so far we are impressed.
Our first experience with flat towing the Jeep has gone very well. Everything connected as it was supposed to and all of the lights worked. I did find that a few corrections to my checklist will be needed. Like pilots, I find checklists to be invaluable so that I don't miss important steps. It will take a little while for me to get accustomed to the turning radius and just how much clearance I need.
We chose Stone Mountain, Georgia because my niece, Michele lives just north of Atlanta. We were supposed to visit with her on our way down to Florida, but our motor home breakdown caused us to bypass her. We will spend several days with her and we have really been so looking forward to this.
There is a tram ride to the top and an entire tourist experience nearby. We will be experiencing that on Sunday.
The most obvious attribute of Stone Mountain is the huge Confederate Memorial Carving. It covers an area of about 300 feet wide and 190 feet high. However, the actual carved area is 160 feet wide and 76 feet high. The carving depicts Civil War era hero's Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis on horseback. The planning for the carving started in 1914 and the carving itself was completed in 1972.
The weather is much improved over the hot and humid stuff that we left in Florida. Here the morning temp is in the mid-50's and it goes up into the 70's. And we do not miss all that humidity. I am sure that the campground will clear out on Sunday and next week will be a quiet and relaxing time for us. Happy Mother's Day to those that are.

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